Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Avoiding the big black void

I'm working on the new navigation system right now. I've finally worked it out, so now all that remains is coding the rest of it and edit out the old system. I ran into a few issues, e.g. players moving to a location that doesn't exist and ending up in the big black void. This is a bad thing, so I've added failsafes to prevent that from happening. You can happily adventure wthout fear of falling off the edge of the world. Provided no distracting events occur I'll have a new version out tonight, complete with the new navigation system. The next step is adding the inventory system. I've got the system ready, but I need to find a good way to pull the stats out of the arrays. Stay tuned for more news...

More news coming in just now - the new navigation system is in place and the new release is going up. I've also changed the way the game saves, so the saves aren't so easily haxed now. The ATBRPG forum is also up and running, you can find both the new release and the link to the forums on the right.

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