Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spring, uh, autumn cleaning

Although I fixed all the major bugs (I think) the game is still looking rather messy. So I'll be working on layout and visuals, making the game more tidy and good-looking. Some of the areas already have color descriptions, which I think makes the text more easily readable. I'm also gonna add some more spacing to some of the menus, and try to improve on the text flow in some parts. I'll also be reworking the navigation soon, so I won't have to write the nav system again every time I add a new area.

I'll also be completing the classes for the next release, adding in the first DoT attack (rogue poison attack), and possibly adding another skill for each class. I'll also be adding a way of increasing skill levels.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New version... oh, whoooops

Well, the new version had a combat choice list where all the choices are numbered 1. Fixed that now though, but if you already got v0.91 you'll have to update it.


The update archive will also make a small change to the menu (it used to say "not for distribution" behind the version number, this is now removed).

/yet more update

So I broke the navigation code, so the player would get stuck in the badlands unable to reach the outpost. This has now been resolved.

Starting up (yet again)

Well, after working on and off on my game for years, maybe getting this up might make my lazy ass work on it more regularly..

/update #2

Considering the state of the current release, I've decided to get a new one out as soon as I finish the changes to the user interface. It's done! You can now get v0.91 from the download links on the right.